Whether you’re fully migrating your system, making improvements, consolidating instances, or starting to adopt a new CRM strategy and adoption, using Salesforce can be challenging. 

 Salesforce is no longer just CRM; it is a complete platform that can solve any aspect of your business. Done right, and based on your business, it may be the only system you need, or it may meet most of your needs. 

 Salesforce was originally a CRM but has evolved into a platform that can solve many business problems, including marketing (marketing cloud), sales (sales cloud), customer service (community and service cloud), e-commerce ( Demandware), Intelligence / Business Intelligence (Einstein analysis). 

 It is a very broad platform with limitless possibilities that, if used correctly, can bring change to the future of your company. In addition, cooperating with a company that provides Salesforce consulting services can give you peace of mind. Leave your challenges to the competent consultant people to navigate and get the most out of your investment in this rich set of solutions and platforms. 

 There are many Salesforce consulting services available, so you may not know what services your company needs. Would you please review each description below to help you determine which services are beneficial? 

  1. New Salesforce Implementation


 If your company is moving from another CRM to Salesforce, there are many tasks you must complete to make the transition smooth. The most important thing is to choose a partner who has experience in the proper implementation of this system. The Salesforce platform provides many configurations and out-of-the-box features that should be used before considering custom coding. Not having a suitable partner will increase your implementation costs and increase maintenance costs and cost of ownership in the long run.

 In addition to simply transforming your data from the old CRM to Salesforce, an implementation generally requires custom configuration and development. Once all of this is in place, good partners will also test and make sure everything has transferred correctly and that all of your team members have been trained by Salesforce. The new implementation may include many clouds, and given the breadth of solutions Salesforce provides, the big bang approach may be tempting. We always recommend evaluating all your needs and configuring your overall CRM and platform strategy, but take a phased approach to platform and multi-cloud Salesforce deployment. 

 Marketing Cloud

Use built-in marketing tools to create a seamless experience at all customer touch points. 

 Sales Cloud

This allows you to find customers, complete transactions, and add accounts. 

 Service Cloud

Designed to improve customer service, this cloud can help you better serve your customers. 

 Community Cloud

Ideal for internal use or use with your clients, this cloud can be implemented using templates or custom codes according to your needs.

 E-commerce cloud

Enables you to create a smart, unified digital business experience online and in-store.


  1. Improvement Project 


 If you already have Salesforce but want to improve how it is used or implement other features, your company may need an improvement project. Areas for improvement may include: 

  •  Implement additional custom functions or new application exchange products Enhance existing solutions to meet growing business needs or make solutions flexible or expandable 
  •  Integration to obtain data from other systems To provide more information in   Salesforce and operational functions, personalized platform support and ongoing management employee training.


  1. Migrating from Salesforce Classic to Lightning


 For organizations preparing to upgrade from Salesforce Classic to Lightning, this is not easy, and you are unlikely to want to undertake this project internally. 

 Requires research, planning, and testing, which can be difficult to do without enough time or experience. This is where the partners come in, who have overseen the migration and know the steps required for a successful migration. 


  1. Merge Salesforce Instances 


 For companies that have multiple Salesforce instances through acquisitions or because there are multiple instances in different departments, it may make sense to merge these instances to help your organization’s processes run smoothly.


  1. Data Migration 


 When you need to move data from one system to another, you need to detail and ensure that the process runs smoothly. Especially when moving large amounts of data, this is an opportunity to utilize or clean up any old data and deduplicate and standardize the data. 

 Data quality can play a huge role in inefficiency, such as locating the right potential customers and connecting with the right decision-makers. It is also important to maintain data integrity when migrating data not to affect existing users or use cases. Planning, data preparation and commissioning are essential for large amounts of data. 

 When you choose to work with consultants who provide data migration, they will provide technical assessment, planning, migration, verification and recommendations, and continuous maintenance and support, which is especially useful when the migration needs some repairs after all. Do as promised.

  1. Integration and Single Sign-On 


 Although Salesforce may be your primary CRM and/or platform of choice, your company may still require other non-Salesforce technologies and platforms, such as Heroku, AWS, Azure, external reporting, and data visualization. Solutions and other existing internal applications. 

  1. Mobile application development 


 Fortunately, Salesforce allows developers to flexibly customize the system to build mobile applications through custom code and configuration on the platform. Still, it also provides a way to develop fully custom applications Methods.

Metaoups has helped many businesses take their ventures to the next level. Contact us today for all your Salesforce queries, implementation and maintenance requirements.

