Fundraising is a word most closely related to the term “Nonprofit.” Fundraising is the basis of functioning for all kinds of nonprofit organizations. It is so crucial factor that the majority of the work and activities inside most nonprofits focus on. Sometimes even up to 80%. It may sound ridiculous that a big chunk from all the efforts meant for the betterment of something goes into raising funds alone but, that’s the reality. That’s where Salesforce comes in.

Contrary to popular belief, Salesforce isn’t meant only for businesses and corporates. Nonprofits organizations around the globe use it too. Over 47000 such organizations have implemented Salesforce. Salesforce’s nonprofit services are available in the form of reduced licensing costs or for free. It makes organizations of all sizes have access to it.

Let’s look at some of Salesforce’s tools and their features to make your efforts as an organization the most impactful.

1.The Nonprofit Success Pack


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Also known as NPSP, it is a product created by Salesforce keeping nonprofits in mind that is part of the Salesforce Nonprofit cloud. With the Success pack, nonprofits CEOs can acquire and heap together scattered data relating to campaigns, donors and donations, incomes, finances and material. All this data is accessible in a single and shared view Constituent Relationship Management platform. It also comes with many tools meant to boost fundraising with features like-

  • Analytics and Reports


NPSP incorporates a 60 plus features dashboard and reports that enable nonprofits to have a better insight into the performance of their fundraising campaigns. Due to this data-driven approach, organizations can make better collaborations, adapt to changes and make better decisions.

  • Donation and Income Management

Get a complete view of where your funds are coming from. You can manage and count all the grants, donations and incomes. It enables you with the right knowledge about where you should put the fundraising efforts. Setting up paths for donations helps understand the position of revenue at all stages.

  • Integration of Apps

Nonprofits can now integrate and make use of applications like payment services. The specific application meant for this is known as Salesforce Elevate. It gives you access to many important payment processing features like payment, cancellation and refund. Another great feature is Giving Pages. These forms are fully customizable according to your brand’s requirements and can integrate easily with CRM, Google Analytics and payment gateways. The pages are SEO-friendly and optimized for mobile use. 


More on Salesforce Elevate


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Digital fundraising is working magic for nonprofits. Raising funds online is easier, takes less effort, time and money. As a result, nonprofits are increasingly turning towards digital tools. The Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud suite has many tools to help you achieve, manage and boost your fundraising efforts. One of the tools is Elevate.

 Elevate is a nonprofit-specific fundraising tool and is fully integrated. The application provides an online interface for engaging the donors also streamlines important back-end functions related to payments and accounts. It has three main components, out of which two have been discussed under the previous sub-heading. The remaining one is the Engagement Hub. This brand-specific hub helps you to engage your donors with your volunteers and supporters at a deeper level. It is an easy and better way for promoting stories and creating volunteer opportunities, and Giving Campaigns.


 The Power of Us Program


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Salesforce offers The Power of Us program to eligible organizations. The program provides ten subscriptions. Further discounts are also given on all additional products, subscriptions and other Salesforce services, training and events. Under the program, you get access to various nonprofits and user groups. You can avail of these discounts only if your organization fulfils the 502c3 criteria. You can learn more about The Power of Us Program and the eligibility criteria here.


Data-based Fundraising

Like most businesses, nonprofits require a 360-degree view of the payer, i.e., the supporter or the donor. The information about their behaviour, passion and likings can tell us a good deal about why they would support a cause. The more data a nonprofit has about a person’s volunteer and donation history, affiliations, etc., the more successful it will be for its fundraising goals. Salesforce has some specific features that help gather and manage high-quality data. We are mentioning the two of highest importance here:

  1. Inbox:- The Salesforce Inbox performs many functions like meetings scheduling, automated data entry, creating contacts from Outlook or Gmail, entering gifts etc.
  2. Batch Import of data: We can easily import tons of data from spreadsheets to our CRM with this feature. Salesforce also has a data mapping feature that can process admin-defined and custom objects related to contacts, accounts, opportunities etc.



The era has gone digital, and nonprofits are in a much better time. Digital mediums have helped nonprofits tremendously achieve their fundraising goals and succeeded at being the wheel of change. Salesforce is known for the idea of giving back to society. This idea is the reason for the existence of the Nonprofit Cloud. As a CRM, Salesforce is regarded the best in the world, and now it’s set to transform the philanthropy scene across the globe. Thousands of nonprofit organizations and educational establishments have witnessed success in their efforts and goals and efforts. Salesforce has everything any organization might need and look for.  


We have helped many organizations achieve their goals with Salesforce. We at Metaoups have the right expertise and experience to make the best use of the Salesforce suite for your organization. We are also a proud Salesforce Pledge 1% partner. 

Contact today for a consultation.


